Our 2021 Highlights of the Year — Dogwoof Releasing

Our 2021 Highlights of the Year

Here's to an amazing year for docs and for Dogwoof! Check out our highlights of the year, from epic outfits, to tug of war tournaments, to the releases of some incredible titles.

anna godas

My highlight of the year is CITIZEN ASHE, our very first Dogwoof production. The toughest professional journey I've ever experienced but the most rewarding. I recall working through Christmas and New Year non-stop, trying to make things happen. And seeing it all come together at Telluride and DOC NYC is probably the highlight of my career.


In what has been an incredible (not necessarily in the good sense) rollercoaster of a year, my highlight would have to be the wonderful reception both here and Stateside to the joyous documentary that is Elizabeth Lo's STRAY. This truly independent film was a project I'd been on a mission to secure for several years, so to be able to deliver it to the world with such great results was an incredibly heartening experience, as well as a reminder of the importance of discovering and unearthing the wee gems amongst all the other expensive shiny toys.

ana vicente

2021 was a landmark for Dogwoof Sales! It marked our return to Cannes and replaced a year and a half of Zoom meetings with face-to-face ones!


After what felt like an eternity in lockdown, with cinemas doors being closed, it was wonderful to return to large-scale marketing campaigns again in 2021! A particular highlight for me was the UK theatrical release of THE ALPINIST and THE RESCUE, which marked our return to outdoor advertising and Dogwoof's first ever digital outdoor and regional National Rail campaign. On the international sales side, it's been a lot of fun brainstorming ideas for THE STORY OF FILM: A NEW GENERATION artwork and trailer and developing these with our partner creative agencies. Lastly, the cherry on the cake was being reunited with Team Marketing physically after a year of not seeing El, welcoming Elliot to the team, and welcoming Lucy into Team Marketing on the sales-side!


One of my highlights was attending the Curzon Mayfair screening of THE RESCUE, where the audience reaction was incredible. It was also very special to have the opportunity to meet diver John Volanthen at the post-screening reception.


1st day back at the office after lock-down!


So many amazing releases to choose from as my highlight of the year! But a very special moment was attending a preview screening of THE LOST LEONARDO at Curzon Mayfair as our first in-person event since March 2020 - nothing can quite replace the communal experience of gasping and giggling at the dramatic twists and turns of an art thriller!


Getting to celebrate premieres of 5 brilliant films at Telluride Film Festival in person! Very exciting to be back at a festival for premieres of our titles.


My highlights of the year were the release of THE RESCUE and experiencing my first Dogwoof Christmas Party.

nafi gordon-sy

My highlight was when Dogwoof on Demand got nominated for Outstanding Innovation at the Home ent industry annual BASE awards. Although we lost out to Sony pictures it was a great achievement for DOD's first year. Also a great night out where we were entertained by a stripper dressed as Joaquin's Joker.

cory knights

Highlight of the year was joining Dogwoof and becoming close with my amazing new colleagues.

ester catala

The best thing for me this year was to join the fantastic team at Dogwoof - what a fabulous ride it has been so far. Some highlights have been the Dogwoof summer picnic as well as the Dogwoof Christmas party - best team!

elliot nosworthy

My highlight of the year has to have been joining such a welcoming, friendly and supportive team, and hitting the ground running by getting stuck into campaigns for some brilliant films - from THE RESCUE to THE FIRST WAVE, and everything in between!

helena feltham

My highlight was the Dogwoof Picnic. I won a prize in the Tug of War, first time ever and met this amazing team IRL for the first time!!

james webber

The highlight of my year was without a doubt being promoted to become Dogwoof's Acquisitions & Development Coordinator! Extremely grateful to be working for such a fantastic, close-knit team.

deborah skeffington

My highlight would be signing the HALLELUJAH documentary. It's amazing to be part of a feature about such an influential figure. I'm so excited for its release in 2022.

luke brawley

WE WERE ONCE KIDS Premiere at Tribeca, super happy to see the film get out into the wild!
